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出版著作//Books Published by Lin Shou 发表拓扑学论文//Topological Papers Published by Lin Shou 研究生毕业论文
序号 作者. 论文名(pdf文件下载) 论文出处 文摘, 引用

Liu Xin, Liu Chuan, Lin Shou. Strict Pytkeev networks with sensors and their applications in topological groups//刘鑫, 刘川, 林寿. 具有传感的严格Pytkeev网及其在拓扑群中的应用

Topology Appl., 2019, 258: 58-78.


Tang Zhongbao, Lin Shou. On generalized metrisability and cardinal invariants in quasitopological groups//唐忠宝, 林寿. 拟拓扑群中的广义度量性与基数不变性

Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 2019, 99(2): 302-310.


Liu Xin, Lin Shou. On spaces defined by Pytkeev networks//刘鑫, 林寿. 由Pytkeev 网所定义的空间

Filomat, 2018, 32(17): 6115-6129.


Gao Tingmei, Lin Shou. On perfect images of μ-spaces//高婷梅, 林寿. μ空间的完备映像

Houston J. Math., 2018, 44(4): 1367-1376.


Lin Fucai, Lin Shou, Liu Chuan. The k_R-property of free Abelian topological groups and products of sequential fans//林福财, 林寿, 刘川. 自由阿贝尔拓扑群的k_R性质与序列扇的乘积

Topology Appl., 2018, 240: 78-97.


Lin Fucai, Lin Shou, Masami Sakai. Point-countable covers and sequence-covering maps//林福财, 林寿, 酒井正美. 点可数覆盖与序列覆盖映射

Houston J. Math., 2018, 44(1): 385-397.


Cai Zhangyong, Lin Shou, Liu Chuan. Copies of special spaces in free (Abelian) paratopological groups//蔡长勇, 林寿, 刘川. 自由(阿贝尔)仿拓扑群中特殊空间的拷贝

Houston J. Math., 2018, 44(1): 351-362.


Tang Zhongbao, Lin Shou, Lin Fucai. A special class of semi(quasi)topological groups and three-space properties//唐忠宝, 林寿, 林福财. 半(拟)拓扑群的一个特别类及三空间性质

Topology Appl., 2018, 235: 92-103.


Tang Zhongbao, Lin Shou, Lin Fucai. Symmetric products and closed finite-to-one mappings//唐忠宝, 林寿, 林福财. 对称积与闭有限到一映射

Topology Appl., 2018, 234: 26-45.


林寿. 箱积空间中的紧有限集族//Lin Shou. The compact-finite families in box products

数学年刊A辑//Chinese Ann. Math., 2017, 38(3): 269-276.


Xie Li-Hong, Lin Shou, Li Piyu. snf-countability and csf-countability in F_4(X)//谢利红, 林寿, 李丕余. F_4(X)的snf可数性与csf可数性

Topology Appl., 2017, 232: 155-168.


Cai Zhangyong, Lin Shou, Tang Zhongbao. Characterizing s-paratopological groups by free paratopological groups//蔡长勇, 林寿, 唐忠宝. 由自由仿拓扑群刻画s仿拓扑群

Topology Appl., 2017, 230: 283-294.


Li Kedian, Lin Shou. On pairwise k-semi-stratifiable spaces//李克典, 林寿. 关于对k半层空间

Topology Appl., 2017, 230: 267-275.


Lin Fucai, Lin Shou, Liu Chuan. The k_R-property in free topological groups//林福财, 林寿, 刘川. 自由拓扑群的k_R性质

Indag. Math., 2017, 28: 1056-1066.


Li Xiaoting, Lin Fucai, Lin Shou. Some topological properties of charming spaces//李晓婷, 林福财, 林寿. Charming空间的一些拓扑性质

数学研究通讯//Communications Math. Research, 2017, 33(2): 110-120.

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